Executive Team

  • Jeffrey Rudd

    President &

    30 years of business & executive leadership experience

  • Hallie Visaggio

    COO &
    Operations Integrator

    18 years of process management & leadership experience

  • Richard Schwartz

    Marketing & Revenue Leader

    30 years of sales leadership & team building experience

Technical Advisors

  • Dr. Jagannadh Satyavolu

    Patent Process Inventor

    PhD Chemical Engineering Professor at the University of Louisville Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research

  • Cliff Speedy

    Executive Director of Projects C&I Engineering

    30+ years of engineering and processing plant development experience

  • Ty Wilkinson

    Retired Founder &
    Technical Consultant

    40 years of agricultural, forestry, processing plant development & executive experience


Our Vision:

Leading the globe’s evolution towards a natural and healthier sweetener alternative.

Our Mission:

Align our team, customers, and suppliers to build profitable xylose processing plants in order to satisfy the demand for natural, healthy sweeteners.